Political Annoyances

So the Virginia Primary is tomorrow, and I am already over the 2008 presidential campaign.
My phone has rang no less then 10 times tonight from unknown callers, who I can only guess were going to tell me how important my vote is, and I need to get out there and vote for whomever, and while I’m at it could I breakout the checkbook and send them money to help stop whomever from ruining the country. Well I didn’t answer the phone, and I don’t even know if I am going to bother voting tomorrow, yes I am experiencing voter apathy.

I did the math a while ago, on the 2 states the media says are so important to the future of this country, Iowa and New Hampshire, because if you don’t do well there forget about it. The 2 states in question contain about 1% of the population, and an even lower percentage of eligible voters, and I could care less about how these people vote. I think the system in this country needs to be revamped.

  1. Have all the primary’s on one day, like the First Tuesday after the first Monday in June. No campaigning until lets say the first Monday in April, you cant even declare prior to that date, the FCC would require media outlets to not take any advertising until that date,violation would result in revocation of their license.
  2. Anyone holding federal office would be required to resign upon declaration of their candidacy, if your so sure of yourself, lets see you risk your job for something you believe in, and I don’t think you really have the country’s best interest or my tax dollar in mind if you are out there trying to get your mug on TV.
  3. End Political rally’s, talk about something that should be left in the past as an history lesson, they only waste time money and energy (Not very green).
  4. No more phone calls, if I am stupid enough that my mind can be changed from a phone call, I shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the first place.
  5. No more mailers, another big waste of resources, all that paper, that just gets thrown away.
  6. No more conventions, another relic of the past,
  7. I’m also thinking to balance things out First place is President, Second is Vice President, and Third is Secretary of State, and everyone only gets one vote, so choose wisely. Would make for some interesting cabinet meetings.
  8. If you can’t figure out how to poke a hole in a piece of paper, then you are too stupid to vote.

Thats about it.





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