Category: apple

  • Earthscape

    I have been kind of playing with the Earthscape for the last month or so. I have been doing a bit of posting as is evidenced here. The app itself, is farily cool, but still has some issues. The biggest issues are that it is buggy and crashes while tagging pictures for upload, there is…

  • Does Anyone Actually Buy Browsers Anymore…

    I am still scratching my head over this one… I saw this the other day come across TUAW OmniWeb 5.8 released, and I had to ask the question.   Does anyone actually pay for web browser anymore?

  • I Thought They Were Joking…

    When I first read about the iPhone Apple Ultracompact USB Power Adapter Exchange Program, I saw the part about returning the old unit, but I didn’t think they were serious. I received my new adapter today, and it came in a way to large box considering the size of the adapter, and it also came with…

  • iPhone Update Follow Up

    It has been about 2 weeks since I updated my iPhone, and with a few minor issues, it has been a very good thing… The minor issues are that battery life while greatly improved, it still could be better… I don’t really use the phone a lot, but if I did, I’m pretty sure I…

  • iPhone 2.1 Goodness

    I downloaded and installed iphone 2.1 software today, in hopes that it would solve the myriad of problems I have encountered since updating to 2.0.1… So far so good, I think that this is the software that should have been the initial release.  All my apps now work, and update without imploding the device, but…