Category: apple

  • SnapTell

    I just found this a couple of days ago, even though it has been out for a while. The app is SnapTell fir the iPhone. All you need to do is take a picture of any book, CD, or DVD, and SnapTell will search for the item, and give you multiple sources to purchase the…

  • Apps On Their Way Out

    These are the latest apps, that will be departing my iPhone in the near future… All but one are leaving because they are pretty much useless. uSirius is leaving because it essentially doesn’t exist anymore, it was a great idea that got squashed by corporate stupidity… … I guess I should add that the ones…

  • Sirus Continues To Suck, and Suck HARD…

    I remember back in the good old days, mergers usually resulted in a better company, and you took the BEST of both companies and kicked butt, by eliminating all the deadwood. It seems that the rocket scientists over at SirusXM, have figured out how to screw that up beyond all recognition. First thing they did wrong is get…

  • iPity The Whiners

    The other day I downloaded a cool little app called iPity, all this thing does is says Mr. T sayings at random or you can select a specific saying should the need arise. I don’t know about you, but I think everyone can use Mr. T as a backup. Then the other day I was…

  • uSirius Starplayer iPhone Preview released…

    Just got the preview loaded on my iPhone, and will mess around with it on my trip today, and report back later… On an initial first look, it looks like they took care of the majority of feature requests and I assume the few minor bugs that existed… The “Auto Tune” feature is a great…