Category: iPhone
uSirius Starplayer iPhone Preview released…
Just got the preview loaded on my iPhone, and will mess around with it on my trip today, and report back later… On an initial first look, it looks like they took care of the majority of feature requests and I assume the few minor bugs that existed… The “Auto Tune” feature is a great…
uSirius Starplayr for the iPhone…
It has been a hectic week, so I am a little late on posting this… As much as I enjoy(ed) starplayr2, I am enjoying the iPhone version so much more. Going to start off with what’s wrong with it, at least what’s wrong that can be changed. This is a fairly short list, and most of my…
Earthscape 2.0
A couple of weeks ago, I took a look at the iPhone application earthscape, and since then they have upgraded to version 2.0 available on iTunes. They did a lot of nice improvements on the user interface, making it a lot easier to navigate, instead of being spread across several pages, it is all on…
Earthscape Errors
 I have been playing with earthscape for a while now and I still think it is pretty cool app, but needs some work, and a couple of days ago I talked about these errors, but didn’t have any details. Well I made a trip up to DC and had some issues with the accuracy,…