Change Euro

Big Change Is Afoot…

Change Euro


I think it is time to change things up here. Have been doing a lot of traveling, local and international, and I have taken a lot of pictures of some cool stuff, and cool stuff to me… I have already started, take a look at what I wrote about the Czech National Technical Museum.

My wife and I have been traveling throughout central Europe, and are planning future trips to Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and maybe Serbia. My wife would really like to visit Georgia, but I can make zero sense of Georgian, spoken or written. We had Ukraine on our list, but that is on hold for obvious reasons, but we will go, once the Ukrainians are ready for tourists.

We don’t do tours, forced fun, with 50+ total strangers is not for us, we enjoy the path less traveled, like jumping on a random bus, tram or metro, ride it to the end of the line, and explore, or find and explore an old cemetery that is how you experience a culture.

We like to visit small towns, places like Bouzov, Vysoke Myto, Olomouc, Zvíkovské Podhradí, and others. These are the best places to meet the nicest people. It is fun to be in a place where you are the only foreigner.

My son and I are planning some alcohol related trips to Scotland, in addition to our annual trips to Kentucky.

So enjoy the change, and as always if you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask in the comments.






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