Tag: Fusion
Fusing Fusion with Time Machine in Retrospect
Well after a sort of quick retrospect restore, if 2 hours is quick, had I thought about it I would have hooked into the Gigabit switch, and taken a lot less time. I got my VM’s off of the server, and plopped them into the Virtual Machines folder, and all is happy now with fusion, well…
Adventures In Time (Machine), Fusion defused…
Well after deciding that it was a waste of time, trying to get VMWare fusion to properly talk to my Apple USB Modem, or any USB modem. I decided to bite the bullet, and throw a small Boot Camp partition on my drive for a while, and it really did and does feel so wrong,…
Apple USB Modem Hell…
I have exactly one requirement for a modem, exactly 1, and the unfortunate thing is it also requires windows, and apparently VMware Fusion doesn’t support the Apple USB Modem, and Apple doesn’t have Windows drivers for the modem, unless you are using Boot Camp. I don’t want to install Boot Camp fro several reasons, the 2 primary…