Tag: apple

  • Upload Speed, No Problem

    Ok apparently I’m special, in more then then short bus way, everyone else is having problems with the upload speed of their iPhones, on the AT&T network. It seems I have fallen into some strange parallel universe, where I had good coverage before, I now have bad coverage, and where I had bad coverage, I…

  • Customer Service

    Apparently there is no middle ground, when it comes to customer service. It is either very very good, or just plain sucks. On the top of my list of doing it right, is Garmin, Direct TV and Apple, and at the bottom of the list is Eye-Fi and Mozy… I have several recent examples of…

  • Apple Online Seminars Issues

    I had some forced downtime, while waiting for my car, and I thought I’d put my new iPhone 3G to good use and catch up on some apple seminars. I did the registration thing, and was a little stunned to find out that I can’t watch apple seminars on my apple iphone…. To be fair,…

  • Where Is The Value?

    I have been reading quite a bit about the “Apple Alternative” Psystar’s Open Computing, and their “Mac Clone”, and I am not really seeing the value here. What is the value in something that is essentially not going to exist in the near future, or as soon as apple’s lawyers get their hands on them,…

  • Fusing Fusion with Time Machine in Retrospect

    Well after a sort of quick retrospect restore, if 2 hours is quick, had I thought about it I would have hooked into the Gigabit switch, and taken a lot less time. I got my VM’s off of the server, and plopped them into the Virtual Machines folder, and all is happy now with fusion, well…