Category: travel

  • I Guess I Found Winter

    I Guess I Found Winter

    Been a while since I’ve been in the real cold, and yes I know it’s in the teens in VB as well this morning, but it’s just a tad colder in Philly

  • Punkin Chunkin is Suckin

    We decided to make a trip to the world championship of punkin chunkin this weekend, thinking it would be a good time, and just stupid fun. It turned out to be a massive disappointment. This had to be the most poorly organized event I’ve ever been to, and I would highly recommend that you watch…

  • IAH Terminal B, is a pit

    It’s been 20+ years since I’ve traveled through IAH Houston, and longer since I’ve traveled through terminal B here, and this has to be one of the biggest crapholes in the country. I’m not even sure I’m still in the USA, freaking place is dirty, scummy, and I can’t wait til I get homes I…

  • 31D again

    Same seat different plane… Well at least this tome I’ll be getting off in San Diego!!!!!

  • 31D

    Getting ready to land at DFW