Category: Annoying

  • Why No iPhone App Mention On Howard

    So after listening to Howard, and the wrapup show, and no mention of the sirius iPhone app whatsoever… Now go back about 6 months when the starplayr app was in beta, and the excitement from Howard and how great it would be for Sirius bla bla huge potential for more subscribers bla bla… So what…

  • There is a Football GOD…

    When I saw the headline Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF, on Fox Sports today, I knew there was a Football God and that our collective stay in Monday Night Football purgatory was officially over….  I have no idea how Gruden will fare, but anything has to be better then the worst ever football announcer in the history of the game. I…

  • MLB Network is on Crack

    I have a question for the people at the MLB network, did anyone tell them that you don’t just switch to commercials willy nilly, In the middle of interviews and such…. They have essentially made this show on baseball unwatchable, switching to stupid promo’s and commercials in the middle of people talking, and it seems…

  • Sirus Continues To Suck, and Suck HARD…

    I remember back in the good old days, mergers usually resulted in a better company, and you took the BEST of both companies and kicked butt, by eliminating all the deadwood. It seems that the rocket scientists over at SirusXM, have figured out how to screw that up beyond all recognition. First thing they did wrong is get…

  • USair sucks HARD

    Whoever at useless (usair) that came up with the bright idea to board the front of the plane first, and then motivate people even more to carry on their bags by charging an extra $15 per bag including the first bag is a complete and total ASSHOLE!!! Take something simple and make it complex, don’t…