Category: apple

  • BlueSLR Blues

    When I first saw an article about the release of the BlueSLR, I thought that it was a totally cool idea, and more then I was actually looking, the remote shutter and intervalometer were just bonus, when all I wanted was the geotagging pulling the data from my iPhone… The initially announcement was that the…

  • Upload Speed, No Problem

    Ok apparently I’m special, in more then then short bus way, everyone else is having problems with the upload speed of their iPhones, on the AT&T network. It seems I have fallen into some strange parallel universe, where I had good coverage before, I now have bad coverage, and where I had bad coverage, I…

  • Customer Service

    Apparently there is no middle ground, when it comes to customer service. It is either very very good, or just plain sucks. On the top of my list of doing it right, is Garmin, Direct TV and Apple, and at the bottom of the list is Eye-Fi and Mozy… I have several recent examples of…

  • Why Do They Let Ballmer Speak in Public

    In this AP Article, Steve Ballmer makes the following statement: “Let’s face it, the Internet was designed for the PC. The Internet is not designed for the iPhone,” Ballmer said. “That’s why they’ve got 75,000 applications — they’re all trying to make the Internet look decent on the iPhone.” Now one of the marketing strategy’s…

  • iPhone MMS is Live!

    MMS is live now available via update on iTunes. 2 second download and a restart and you’re good to go….