When Did Profit Become a Bad Thing?

I get real tired of hearing people saying or implying that profit is a bad thing. Company X is making too much money, CEO Y is overpaid, well you can’t make too much money, almost everyone is paid what their worth, except those in areas on artificially inflated minimum wage areas. 

You don’t ever see those who preach about income inequality giving away their profit, nope it just doesn’t happen. I define personal profit as that money that is not necessary to keep food in your stomach and a roof over your head, everything else is profit, or disposable income, a cell phone cable tv and internet service is not necessary to live, contrary to what you may think, those items are paid for out of your personal profit…

You get paid what you are worth, fast food workers are paid minimum wage, because there is not a lot of mental power required to flip burgers, or make French fries, anyone can be trained in very little time to do that job, and since there is a large pool of people able to that job, so until you do something to increase you value in the job market, you can plan on making somewhere near minimum wage, and an employer would be stupid to do otherwise…






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