Rough Week…

Been a rough week…

Monday. had to go to my favorite place on the planet, Falls Church. While I am getting ready to fight South bound traffic on I95 I get a call from my Wife, and I find out that while we thought my son had the Flu, it was actually turning out to be appendicitis, ends up at one Hospital, and a CAT scan shows that it is on the verge of rupturing. mean while my son (12) is all kinds of pissed off that he has to go through all this crap, for something he doesn’t need… Getting reports all the way down from my wife on her fading fast cell. I make it to the Hospital moments before he goes into surgery. Long story short he’s pretty much all better, needs to take it easy for 5 weeks, not an easy task for a twelve year old…

At work got a bunch of of moves going on, bosses are tweaking that its not going to happen on time. 

Glad its over…






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